About Us
Overflow Church is affiliated with the General Council of the Assemblies of God and adheres to the AG Statement of Fundamental Truths
To develop God Loving, Jesus Following, Holy Spirit Empowered lives that Overflow into our culture and our community.
Vision & Values
We will change the world with Gospel, God's Abundant Overflowing Life!
GOD'S LOVE: God's love in us overflows to everyone around us!
GOD'S WORD: God's Word in our hearts causes life giving words to overflow from us!
GOD'S SPIRIT: The Holy Spirit gives us power and inner strength that overflows bringing life and healing to those in need!
GOD'S DIRECT LINE (PRAYER): When prayer becomes a priority in our lives, God's compassion overflows from us to others!
GOD'S HARVEST: God's will is for all to accept the gift of His Son, Jesus. So we will do our part in building His Kingdom!